Würth IT donates EUR 9,000 to charitable organizations throughout Germany

Once again this year, Würth IT is foregoing customer gifts and donating a total of EUR 9,000 to local charitable organizations at all company locations in Germany. These Christmas donations are a sign of the company's solidarity with the towns and communities in which it operates and help to strengthen local initiatives.
How the money is used in the Hohenlohe district
The "Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdorf e.V." will be supported with a total of 3,000 euros. Wolfang Bartole, CEO of Albert-Schweitzer-Kinderdorf e.V., already has specific projects in mind for the donation: "We have a need for new play equipment in the outdoor area of our Waldpiraten kindergarten here in Waldenburg as well as in the outdoor area of the women's and children's shelter. These two generous donation cheques will help us a lot in realizing these projects. Thank you very much for this, you are bringing a lot of joy, play and fun to many children."
The "Albert Schweitzer Children's Village" in Waldenburg is a refuge for children in need: the parents of the Children's Village open their families to up to seven children who cannot live with their biological parents. Each family in the children's village lives in its own house with a garden. This form of cohabitation offers the young people stability, reliability and protection.
The "Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus im Hohenlohekreis" (women's and children's shelter in the Hohenlohe district), which has been offering a safe place to stay for women with and without children since 1994, is also run by the same organization. The shelters are freely accessible to women and children in need, regardless of origin, residence status or financial means.
"As a company, and therefore also part of society, it is important to us to recognize and support the valuable work of these organizations. Especially during the festive season, we want to help ensure that the helpers can continue their missions successfully," said Dr. Thomas Burkhart, Managing Director of Würth IT.
The "Tierschutzverein Hohenlohe e.V." is also grateful for the generous donation of 1,000 euros, which will help the association to maintain the animal shelter in Waldenburg. The animal shelter takes in and cares for found animals, abandoned animals and surrendered animals in order to place them with responsible people.
From Lake Constance to the capital: charitable organizations throughout Germany are supported
"The decision to support charitable organizations at nine different locations is an expression of our commitment to strengthening the communities in which we live and work," says Christian Berndt, Managing Director of Würth IT.
From the "Litzelstetter Nachbarschaftshilfe e.V." in Constance, which looks after senior citizens in the Lake Constance region, to the support association of the Noether Gymnasium in Berlin, which is actively involved in implementing the topic of "sustainability" as a focus of lessons for pupils. Both initiatives are being supported with 1,000 euros each.
The donation will also find a valuable purpose at the Schorndorf site. The "PALM Foundation" based there supports school projects in the region and organizes teaching units on topics such as human and children's rights as well as freedom of expression and freedom of the press.
Lebenshilfe Würzburg e.V." also welcomes the donation of EUR 1,000 from Würth IT, which is intended to help strengthen inclusion projects. Lebenshilfe offers support, advice, encouragement and assistance to people with disabilities and their families.
Just like last year, the "Tafel" food bank in Bad Mergentheim is once again being supported by Würth IT. The aim of the food banks is to pass on high-quality food that can no longer be used in the economic process to people with limited financial resources at a reasonable price.
About Würth IT
Würth IT is the global IT service provider of the Würth Group. The internationally oriented full-service provider of integrated IT solutions and services has more than 1,000 employees at various locations in Germany, India, China, the USA, Switzerland and Italy. Würth IT's customers include national and international trading and service companies both within and outside the Würth Group.
Contact person
Würth IT GmbH
Felix Mutscheller
Drillberg 6, Würth Industrial Park
97980 Bad Mergentheim
Phone: +49 7940 9300